I went to see the 3rd round of the SuperGP championship this weekend at Killarney and decided to switch from my usual 9-point AF-C autofocus mode to single-point. Interesting change to say the least – I found a significantly higher no. of out of focus shots than normal. The difference is that with 9-point, something is always in focus, just not what you always expect, seeing as more than 1 item could be on a focus point. In this case, the camera can’t know exactly what you want to focus on. In single point mode, I’ve realised that you have to be super accurate in keeping the selected focus point over the intended target, otherwise it’s a no go. With the speed of bikes, it’s going to be very difficult to stay on single-point – I might just switch back to 9-point or I’ll need to practice a whole lot more. Got some nice pics though …

19th May 2015